The participating institution in basic study was 52 in 2022.

2. 基礎研究への参加施設数と登録患者数推移
(The number of facilities participating in basic study and the number of patients in registry)
JDDM collaborative studies have been started since 2001. The data period of this basic study is from May to July every year.

3. 各年度の平均HbA1c推移
(Mean HbA1c in each year)
The yearly change in mean HbA1c has slightly increased in both groups in 2014 and has been maintained thereafter.

4. 糖尿病のHbA1cヒストグラム
(Histogram of HbA1c for type 1 and 2 diabetes)
The histogram below represents HbA1c of patients with Type 1 and 2 diabetes in 2022 and the mean HbA1c is 7.14%.

5. 1型糖尿病のHbA1cヒストグラム
(Histogram of HbA1c for Type 1)
The histogram below represents HbA1c of patients with Type 1 in 2022 and the mean HbA1c is 7.67%.

6. 2型糖尿病のHbA1cヒストグラム
(Histogram of HbA1c for type 2 diabetes)
The histogram below represents HbA1c of patients with Type 2 diabetes in 2022 and the mean HbA1c is 7.11%.

7. 登録患者の平均年齢
(Mean age in each year)
The yearly change in mean age is increasing in both groups.

8. 登録患者の平均BMI
(Mean BMI in each year)
The mean BMI has increased in both group until 2013, but for Type2 it decreased in 2014 and has been maintained thereafter.

9. 2型糖尿病の治療法の変化
(Change of the type of medical treatment for type2 diabetes)
インスリン単独療法の割合が年々減少し、GLP-1製剤を用いた併用療法の割合は増加しています。2022年の経口薬治療薬のみの割合は 63.7%と過去最多となっています。
The rate of insulin monotherapy has decreased every year and that of combination therapy with GLP1 receptor agonists has increased. The rate of oral hypoglycemic agents which decreased in 2022 has increased to the largest ever 63.7%.

10. 2022年度の治療法別HbA1cの分布状況(2型糖尿病)
(HbA1c in each type of treatment for type2 diabetes in 2022)
It is said that HbA1c is one of the representative markers which indicate glycemic control. However, only 48.7% of the patients with Type 2 diabetes has achieved the target HbA1c less than 7.0% which Japan Diabetes Society recommends.